Friday, November 23, 2007


WOW! That was soooo much fun!

Elisa and I pulled an all nighter in order to be at Kohl's by 3:45. We thought we would be there for a long time, but we were actually in and out, with everything we wanted in a grand total of 15 minutes :-). I got some cool shoes :-).

We hadn't anticipated this huge amount of free time (our next store, Target, didn't open until 6) so we went over to the Best Buy line to chat with our friend Nick-who had been in line since We then headed over to Target-cranked up the heat, and sang random songs-mostly Broadway with a little country lol, until 5:40. Then we got in the line for Target (both Target's and Kohl's lines had wrapped around the building) I got the camera that I wanted :-). Plus two seaons of House for $14 a piece! I would give that store....30 minutes, bc we got distracted looking through items, but we were in and out of check out in 2. We had such good luck with lines!

Then we called Nick....who was still waiting in line in Best Buy....and we went to MC's and Bath and Body Works and got a couple of things. I had pretty much run out of money so all I got there was a tanktop. Half normal price lol.

OH and we got pictures in a photobooth! Something I've never done.

I also learned my new, well tied for, favorite scent!!! Twisted Peppermint. It is AMAZING! I still love Winter Candy Apple but I've always had a weak spot for peppermint (and lemon, but that's summer :-P ) yeah yeah Zack, I know you hate those two, but you like one of them so :-P.

Then we went to Best Buy, and waited for Nick...until 8. He was there from 12-8....But he got everything he wanted so I think it was worth it for him. Then the 3 of us headed to Breakfast...and by the end were dipping in and out of consciousness...I got home at roughly 9 and was out cold by roughly 9:01.

All in all, it was a VERY productive, EXTREMELY fun day, and I'm looking forward to doing it again next year...but I'm bringing more money :-P .

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why am I getting another one of these kind of things?

Well the answer I suppose is so that it is easier for me to read Zack's as often as he wants me to :-P.

There you go Zack- this is all because of you, ya happy?!

lol whatever, im just bored